Our Lines & Available Litters
I work primarily with JLine Rats - a 20yo line of rats bred for pocket puppy temperaments.
In addition to being a breeder, I take pride in the health and well-being of all my rats and treat them all like the family members they are. Any rats going to new homes must pass temperament and health tests first and foremost.
I offer a lifetime support guarantee for any rats adopted from KaiZen Rodentry. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions, concerns, or problems with your rats.
Detailed on this page are the lines and projects I am currently working on. You may use the links below to quickly navigate to available rats from their specific lines or fill out our Adoption Application form. If you scroll down the page further, you will find more detailed information on the various lines I'm working with. Clicking on the name of each line will bring you to a more detailed page about that line. (This function is still a WIP)
Please check out our FAQ & How To Adopt pages for more information about adopting from KaiZen Rodentry.

The OG Line
This is one of the original lines that has been worked on for consistent health and temperament since 2001. Originally bred by Bella's Nest, and continued by Blue Heart Rattery, I strive to uphold their hard work and dedication put into this line.
This is a great line for everyone, but especially for first time rat owners, or those with some past experience. They have nearly ESA like qualities making them great pets for children, those with bad past experiences owning rats, or even special needs.
J-Line Blues
Another one of the OG lines that has been worked on since 2001, the rats born in this line are extremely charismatic and full of personality. They typically have tons of energy and are extremely inquisitive and playful with cuddly moments mixed in!
This line has great motivation for training and could even do well with some house training. A great line for beginners and experts alike! There is a lot to love about this line!

This line is considered a work in progress. It is closely related to the other two OG lines and carries a lot of great qualities from those lines. The line is considered a WIP due to its inconsistency in temperaments across litters produced thus far. It still produces some very charismatic babies, however.
Due to its inconsistent nature at this point in time, this line is best considered for those who have past rat ownership experience or aren't particularly after a certain personality type.
This line stems off the OG lines but has been recently outcrossed just a little bit. The temperament in this line isn't consistent and tends to produce rats that are more independent from their humans.
I knew when I got into breeding rats, that I would want to breed Silvermane as well, knowing how difficult it may be to find extraordinary founders for the line. I only managed to get one Silvermane doe to work with to produce this line and that is where the personality issues stem from.
I am dedicated and working very hard on this line to fix the temperament and make it more consistent and human-centric, but at this moment this is not a line I suggest to first time rat owners.